Creatures of the Fire // 2020 // 64 x 57 inches
// relief print, wood block print, monotype, acrylic, oil, on muslin and canvas

Drawn // 2015-2018 // ink, (relief print) acrylic, and oil on various fabric with machine stitching, monitor with video // 68 x 62 in/157 x 173 cm

Window Sill // 2015-2018 // ink (screenprint, monotype), acrylic, and oil on muslin and canvas // 53 x 83 in/135 x 211 cm

The Light Becomes You // 2018 // ink (woodblock print), spray paint, acrylic, oil, on muslin and canvas // 47.5 x 50 in/121 x 127 cm

Sunflower // 119 x 31 inches // woodblock print, screenprint, batik, monotype, acrylic, and oil on various fabrics with video
insert and cherry wood hanger // 2017

Lady II // acrylic, oil, woodblock print, monotype, gold leaf, on canvas, muslin, and board // 60 x 180 inches // 2016

City Girls in the Desert // dimensions: 76 x 125 inches, 193 x 317.5 cm // media: dye, acrylic, oil, ink on cotton textiles with alder wood, techniques include: screen-printin, monotype, and machine and hand stitching. Video insert // 2013

Crescent Rug Red // monotype and machine stitching on canvas with black walnut end caps and stake // 28 x 37 inches, 71 x 94 cm // 2011

Crazy Rug // acrylic and oil on canvas glued to redwood slats // 44 x 72 inches, 111.7 x 182.8 cm // 2011

Buffalo Gourd Over Evening Star // acrylic and oil on canvas glued to pine slats // 66 x 92 inches, 167.64 x 233.68 // 2011

Between Two // silkscreen pigment, acrylic, felt, paper, canvas, woodblock prints, spray paint on steel armature. In collaboration with the Fabric Workshop and Museum// 126 x 174 inches, 320.04 x 441.96 cm // 2010

Bricked Out // silkscreen pigment, acrylic, felt, paper, canvas on steel armature // In collaboration with the Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia, PA // 108 x 96 inches, 274.32 x 243.84 cm // 2010

Lady // mixed media on paper mounted to canvas with wood slats // 120 x 72 inches, 305 x 183 cm // 2008

Grandma’s Ass // watercolor, spray paint, on paper, hand cut paper with silica flat // 27 ¼ x 18 ⅜ inches, 70 x 46.6 cm // 2006

Composition of Constant Selection with Mutation watercolor, woodblock print, and oil on paper with various paper cutouts 30 x 40 inches, 76 x 102 cm 2006

Looking Across King’s Garden to Lorraine’s Oaks // watercolor, woodblock print, spray paint, and oil on paper with cardboard cut-out // 30 x 40 inches, 76 x 102 cm // 2006